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C9 Actionists.
Due to consistent popular demand, we are finally opening a ** for the Asian region.
To resolve the lag issues our players have been going through, we have come up with a solution, which is to divide the IP traffic into different regions. This will benefit both US and Asian players by reducing gameplay lag and improving ping connections. We will make continued efforts to create a better gaming environment, which includes planning for further regional ** divisions.
We initially planned to provide all US ** users with the option of choosing whether they would like to migrate to the SEA ** or remain in the US **. However, during the planning process, we determined several factors that may cause issues in the future:
1. Our goal is to resolve the lag issue that users have been experiencing. If we allow Asian users to access the US **, and vice versa, users would most definitely still experience lag, especially during PvP.
2. We will implement the IP traffic division through IP restrictions. This means that we will be blocking Asian IP addresses from accessing the US ** and vice versa. We thought of granting the IP addresses of users who wanted to remain in the US **s access by removing the restriction on the IP address that they have been using to connect to C9.
3. Users may have difficulty joining future events if we allow access to both **s. For example, consider that there may be a PvP event in the future that will pit the regional champions of each ** against each other. Any Asian user who decides to remain on the US ** will be un-eligible to participate should the mechanics require that the user should be a resident in the region corresponding to his/her character's **.
We understand that most of you have already established a friendships and small communities inside the game, and that it will be difficult to part with your online friends should they be located to a different region. However, we stand firm in our decision to migrate all Asian users as we believe that this would be for everyone's best interests in the long term. Also, we are sure that you will be able to form new bonds and friendships with users located in your same ** region once the migration is complete.
Please take note of the Policies for the Asian ** as mentioned below:
* C9 Asian ** Policy for US ** Players(针对美服的亚洲服政策)

1. The gameplay data of US ** players who are playing from the Asian region will be migrated to C9’s SEA ** during the scheduled maintenance on January 23rd, 2013. Aside from the users located in the regions mentioned below, all other asian users will be able to access the SEA **.
     ** Excluded Countries:
   (1) China - Licensed publisher is Tencent (http://c9.qq.com/)(国服)
   (2) Japan - Licensed publisher is GameOn (http://c9.pmang.jp/)(日服)
   (3) Thailand - Licensed publisher is Ini3 (www.c9.in.th)(泰服)

For users living in the countries listed above, kindly visit your local ** provider's webpage to enjoy better C9 ** provided by your respective publisher.
2. Upon opening the Asian ** on January 23, 2013, users who are playing from the Asian region will be unable to access the US game **.
3. US ** players who are not from the Asian region will be unable to access the Asian **.
     ** Asian region players: Unable to access the US game **.
     ** US ** players: Unable to access the SEA game **.

■ Gameplay Data to be Migrated (游戏迁移数据列表:)
1) Character slots (Only when migrating the whole account)(角色名)
2) Character level(角色等级)
3) Character Skills(角色技能)
4) Quest information(任务信息)
5) Map access information(地图信息)
6) Inventory (General/Cash/Quest/General Storage/Cash Storage)(仓库(普通/现金/任务/付费物品/现金等)
7) Equipped items (Including enhancements)(装备,包括变形、强化等)
8) Legend information(传奇信息)
9) Adventure book information(冒险书)
10) Items in the Gift Box(礼物箱子)
11) Mails(邮件)
12) Items listed on the trading office(交易行信息)

** All data listed above will be migrated from the US ** to the SEA **. (以上所列信息都会转移到亚服。)
** If you experience any kind of issue regarding the data transfer, please submit a ticket to the 1:1 inquiry. All item losses caused by the ** migration will be recovered.(如果数据有误,请尽快提交,所有损失的数据均可以经查实后被找回)

■ Regarding guild content(关于公会的公告)

Guild data and PVP data will be reset during the ** migration to avoid encountering to technical issues. In order to provide support for the players who migrate to the SEA **, we are preparing guild/PVP supportive events accordingly.
Thank you,
C9 Support Team












